Sexy Redd post sex video on her Insta story


Female Black American Rapper Sexy Redd leaked her own sex video on her Instagram story on 5th October,2023. A morning after the Black Entertainment Award show was held. The video which was deleted almost immediately after been posted still shook the general media.

Sexy Redd came out to express her dismay and disappointment in some media groups and pages have sold her story. She went to the extent of reporting some media pages which posted her sex video.

The video for sure created a buzz and people have shared all sorts of opinions and views on the situation. Rumour has it that, it was a move for clout and have people talk about her in the heat of BET awards and promote her name.

Others also judge her taste in men, in the sense that Redd is one to date hoodlums. It is suspected that the video was actually leaked by her current partner.



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