As the dawn of the new year unfolds, former President John Dramani Mahama has shared an uplifting message filled with optimism, urging Ghanaians to unite in their pursuit of a prosperous and united nation.
In this heartfelt address, Mahama contemplates the potential for collective progress and unity, emphasizing the importance of a shared vision and commitment to building a brighter future for the nation.
Mahama extends holiday wishes to all, invoking a sense of joy, love, and peace during the festive season and encouraging Ghanaians to unite under a common goal, emphasizing that shared aspirations and inclusiveness are pivotal for the progress of a nation
“Merry Christmas, my brothers and sisters, fellow Ghanaians, our children and grandchildren”
“May this festive season be filled with Joy, love, and peace, and may the coming year bring us closer to achieving our collective vision for a prosperous and united nation”