June inflation hits 42.5%


Inflation for the month of June 2023 in Ghana jumped marginally to 42.5 percent compared to the 42.2 percent recorded in May 2023.

The Government Statistician, Professor Samuel Kobina Annim, mentioned food and non-food items which account for 54.2% and 33.4% respectively as the main drivers of this inflationary trend.While imported items had a higher inflation rate of 44.5%, locally produced items witnessed an inflation rate of 35.9%.Prices of vegetables, such as tomatoes, saw an increase in average prices.

Prof. Samuel Kobina Annim advised policymakers to take a critical look at factors contributing to the increase in food inflation.“At the minimum, we see a widening of the gap between food and non-food inflation. We need to focus on why we see food inflation going up. We have seen about a 20-percentage point change between food inflation and non-food inflation.”Inflation had gradually declined for four consecutive months until April after reaching 54.1% in December 2022.


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