In a strange and slightly unsettling event, a well-known criminal was confronted by a group of locals who took the idea of enforcing the law themselves to a whole new level.
The incident, which was recorded on video and shared extensively on social media, shows a group of individuals providing an energy drink to the captured thief in order to restore his vigor, while simultaneously persisting in physically attacking him.
The situation escalated when a group of residents, fed up with the criminal activities of the well-known thief, managed to capture him. The residents, choosing to take action on their own, decided to administer their own version of justice instead of relying on law enforcement.
Once they apprehended the thief and subjected him to a lengthy assault, they made the decision to rejuvenate his stamina by providing him with a rush energy drink, enabling them to proceed with their physical retribution. The thief, feeling humbled and with no alternative, reluctantly received an energy drink from a resident and drank a small amount in hopes of regaining his stamina.
As the residents witnessed the ongoing beating, they began to show clear signs of division among themselves. While certain people recommended putting an end to the punishment and instead suggesting other forms of penalty like involving the thief in community service, there were others who adamantly advocated for imposing physical repercussions for his actions.