“Do not insult my mother if you do not agree with my opinions,” says Okyeame Kwame.

Don't insult my mother-Okyeame Kwame


Ghanaian rapper Okyeame Kwame has criticized individuals who bring his mother and family into the picture when expressing their disagreement with his viewpoints.

Kwame Nsiah-Apau, known by his private name, has recently been involved in controversies due to his expressed opinions on marriage, religion, climate change, and nature. While he may tolerate having his perspectives questioned, he will be upset if his mother and family are offended because of his beliefs.

During his interview with Graphic Showbiz, Kwame pleaded with his detractors to refrain from disrespecting his mother and family while expressing their disagreements with his viewpoints. I believe that Ghanaians are not showing hostility towards my opinions. In the same manner that I do not agree with the ideas of others, I am completely okay with people expressing their disagreement with my opinions.

“I find it unacceptable when someone presents an argument, and instead of providing a counter argument or addressing the main idea, they resort to name-calling or insulting me by calling me a fool and bringing attention to a physical feature, such as my forehead.” I don’t understand why someone would respond with “your mother” when someone else is trying to explain the importance of not eating turtles due to their role in the sea and their impact on the world’s safety.

“It diminishes the discussion and transports it to a level where I am incapable of expressing my valid arguments.” As an example, individuals have expressed their disagreement with me when I’ve stated that it is cruel and degrading to physically assault and shame members of the LGBTQ+ community in public places.

He stated that if anyone disagrees, they should express their differing opinion without resorting to insults towards him, his mother, or his family.


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