Bill Gates Dreams of 3-Day Work Week Thanks to AI

Bill Gates says a 3-day work week possible with AI

Co-Founder of Microsoft Bill Gates

In a recent podcast with comedian Trevor Noah, Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft, offered a thought-provoking viewpoint on how artificial intelligence (AI) could help redefine the workweek. Despite worries that AI could replace workers, Gates envisions a day when AI would improve people’s quality of life and lead to a civilization where the workweek is reduced to three days.

Gates explained on the podcast how AI may reduce the amount of effort that goes into our lives. Consider having more of the tedious tasks completed by machines to free up our time. According to Gates, “If you only have to work three days a week, that’s probably okay. “Machines can make all the food and the stuff,” allowing us to live more fully.

Gates is not alone in the notion that AI is merely a tool. AI is meant to assist, not to take over, as Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella recently informed his staff. Considering what transpired with OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, this is a significant matter.

Bill Gates’s idea of an AI-powered 3-day workweek provides a new perspective to the continuing conversation over automation’s place in our lives but renders opposition to certain well-known figures’ views on work. Young people should work seventy hours a week, according to Infosys co-founder Narayana Murthy! Compared to Gates’ vision of a reduced workweek, this is somewhat different.


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